Friday, July 18, 2008

Boring Days on Poverty Hill

Hey Everyone, here it is Friday again, time sure does fly. I've been a lil busy lately, my rear end feels like it grown to my chair from sittin in front of this computer thang. I've been just a learning all kinds of new stuff and I may be gonna quit Mayorin and go into the website bizness. Yep thats right, the world wide web, sounds sorta important don't it? Naw not really, I just been buildin a website for my PH Support Group. It's sorta fun, but ya gotta know a little of that HTML language. I think it must be foreign, judgin by the name of it. Anyway its been a lot of fun making it, sorta kills the time in between my naps...LOL. Ole Levi my beloved companion and I have bout turned into couch potatoes, its been so hot I hate to even go outside before 6 or 7 o'clock, Poverty Hill time that is. I've bout picked outta peas so the pea pickin is coming to a close. Miss Judi has been a puttin em up in the freezer, what I ain't been eating. Nothin like a mess of fresh grown vegetables. Ya know thats something you don't see very much any more, people growing their own vegetables that is. I think people would rather buy em and pay a riciculous price than get out and do it themselves. Well, cepting those folks that don't have a place for a garden, then its understandable.
I don't know whats been wrong with me lately, I just haven't felt like doing much of anything. I don't feel sick, but I just don't have any energy and these chest pains have really been bothering me. The doc didn't see anything wrong when he did my left heart cath last month, well no more than was already there, but I just can't understand why I'm hurting like I am. Guess I'll just attribute it to gettin old, and thank the Lord I'm getting
Well not much to report, nothin much has been happening up on Poverty Hill. I guess things are good, no bad news is good news. I reckon I better be a moseyin, it's bout time for chores, Yall come back when ya can, maybe they'll be some happenins around here to tell ya about. Till then the doors always open.

Hugs N Handshakes


Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Pea Patch

Well Hi there, welcome to the homeplace of the Poverty Hill grand and almighty Mayor TW. I been busy as a beaver trying to get these dad-gum peas and butterbeans picked. You would think a man of my position of high stature and southern breedin wouldn't have to sweat my butt off in a hot field. But i sit her assuring you thats just what Miss Judi has had me doin. Right now I couldn't care any less if another pea, butterbean, tomato, pepper or watermelon ever sprouted out of the ground again.
But of course it'll be a different story when i belly up to the round table of fine eating in Miss Judi's dining room. MMMMMmmmmm .........makes my mouth water just thinkin about it, all that fried chicken, poke chops, with all those vegetable trimmings........lordy have mercy. Oh yeah don't let me forget about the cornbread.
Well thats bout enuff on that, i'm makin myself hungry.....not that I love to eat or anything, it's just that I enjoy being 3 feet tall and weighing 400 pounds.
Speaking of that, you know how us PH'er set ta swellin all along? Well, my belly wuz a lil swelled the other day and one of my neighbors saw me and asked, "Well whatcha gonna have a boy or girl?". I politely just turned and looked at him and said, "Neither, I think it must be gonna be a bale of hay, cause every jackass that comes along asks about it." .........LOL. I feel quite sure he won't ask again.
Hope everyone is doing fine with all this heat, it's been taking a toll on me but I'm staying in the a/c every chance I get. I don't know if it's the PH or the fact that I'm just gettin as old as the hills. Either way its been tuff, yall stay inside as much as possible.
Well I recon I better get outta here, I can hear those lil peas a callin my name, they can call now, but I'll show em who gets the last laff when they're starin at my open Yall come if ya can, the doors always open at the Lindsey's home.

Hugs N Handshakes